
StorageAnalyzerallowsyoutohaveaquickglanceattheoverallusagetrendsofyourSynologyNAS,createandmanagetaskstoanalyzestoragespaces, ...,StorageAnalyzerallowsyoutohaveaquickglanceattheoverallusagetrendsofyourSynologyNAS,createandmanagetaskstoanalyzestoragespaces,and ...,儲存空間分析器讓您可以快速掌握SynologyNAS儲存空間使用量的整體趨勢、建立並管理任務來分析儲存空間,並產生詳細的儲存空間使用量報表。,S...

Storage Analyzer Technical Specifications

Storage Analyzer allows you to have a quick glance at the overall usage trends of your Synology NAS, create and manage tasks to analyze storage spaces, ...

Storage Analyzer

Storage Analyzer allows you to have a quick glance at the overall usage trends of your Synology NAS, create and manage tasks to analyze storage spaces, and ...


儲存空間分析器讓您可以快速掌握Synology NAS 儲存空間使用量的整體趨勢、建立並管理任務來分析儲存空間,並產生詳細的儲存空間使用量報表。

Storage Analyzer - Add

Storage Analyzer allows you to have a quick glance at the overall usage trends of your Synology NAS, create and manage tasks to analyze storage spaces, and ...


Storage Analyzer allows you to have a quick glance at the overall usage trends of your Synology NAS, create and manage tasks to analyze storage spaces, and ...

View Usage and Reports

View Usage and Reports. With Storage Analyzer, not only can you monitor overall volume usage trends, but also have a glance at detailed storage analysis ...

Manage Report Profiles

Manage Report Profiles. You can create and modify scheduled tasks to generate reports on volume usage at Storage Analyzer > Report Profile.